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  • Writer's pictureAlpcan E. Gencer

European Reporting Lab Project Task Force on Climate-Related Reporting (PTF-CRR) Releases New Report

The 'How To Improve Climate-Related Reporting' report prepared by the PTF-CRR, which has also been co-authored by Aurélie Faure-Schuyer of NSFM, has been looked forward to by the industry as it is the output o​f the first project of the European Lab on climate-related reporting, in support of the pra​​ctical application needs of European corporate reporting stakeholders.

The primary focus of the PTF-CRR was on identifying good reporting practices and assessing the l​​evel of maturity in the implementation of the TCFD recommendations, while also taking into consideration the climate-related reporting elements of the EU Non-financial Reporting Directive and the related European Commission non-binding guidelines.

The project addressed two areas: a general review of climate-related di​sclosures (detailed findings documented in Supplement 1), and an in-depth review of scenario analysis reporting (detailed findings documented in Supplement 2). The main docu​ment outlines the key messages and synopsis of the findings, based on the content of its two supplements.

Please follow the link below to access the main report and the 2 supplemental documents;

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