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Our Advisory Group

Dr. Raj Thamotheram

Founder & Chair, Preventable Surprises

Olanrewaju Sharafa

Further Education Senior Manager, Higher Education Student Recruitment, Governance & Accountability Researcher

Dr. Natalie Beinisch

Senior Researcher | Consultant | ESG | Transnational Governance

Gabriel Thoumi, CFA, FRM

Investment Research Manager | SRI/ESG Expert in Portfolio & Risk Management | Independent | Board 2ii | MBA, MSc

Iqra Shaikh

Founder of Major Probs | UC Berkeley Alumni | Hult Business School

Dr. Theodor Cojoianu

IRC & Marie Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University College Dublin


The Network for Sustainable Financial Partners (NSFM) is supported by a strong network of ambassadors and strategic advisers across industry, policy and academia. 

Our ambassadors are thought leaders, experts and innovators in their field. They provide NSFM with new ideas, access to global markets and groups, and help us to feed the ever-increasing network of young sustainable finance professionals and students with relevant information and content.

We engage and involve our ambassadors in NSFM's strategic decision-making, outreach and engagement activities across industry and academia.

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